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Old 10-01-2011, 09:06 AM   #24
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This would force australia into being a non producer and non employment country , lowering wages and all of our living conditions ...just to be competetive . big no from me , remember you need to earn money to spend money ,and i am guessing that if you asked any low income earner( india / african lower class for example) if they would be able to buy a 30 thousand dollar mustang and it makes me think that we sorta got our economy and taxes somewhere about right . T

he huge differences in price does annoy me but i like australia the way it is and try not to support slave wage countries and their products . the multi nationals that own half our country and its assets now bother me ... im not the smartest in the bunch but ,my thoughts are dont open the gate because you wont be able to shut them even if you wanted too.
something old something blue
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