Originally Posted by Sabantien
I wonder how they go about targeting certain ethnicities.
I'm guessing the Chinese guy parked next to me in a modded XR6 Turbo won't be going in for whatever rebranding Holden is going to aim at him.
Essentially they'll have to focus on stereotypes and that won't end well.
Having said all that, now i'm going to stereotype.
When I was hunting for cars I did start taking more notice of different cars on the road and noticed the drivers. Almost every Honda Accord Euro looked like they were driven by people of a certain ethnicity. I did start wondering why.
Hey ... I'm that Chinese guy next to you in the modded XR6T..... at least I was until a few months ago.
I'll soon be that respectable looking middle aged Chinese guy next to you in a new Focus RS.
I must be a blue blooded Chinese person.