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Old 19-06-2024, 07:39 PM   #1
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default Parts companies selling stock they dont actually have

Theres not much that gets me REALLY fired up, but this new trend makes me wild with rage.
I first started noticing it half way though covid, where, say, you needed a part, EVERYONE was marked as out of stock or backorder, and someone on ebay had it listed but for 10% or so above rrp.
Theyd reckon, say, a week postage time. Yet after 2 weeks youd email them asking for tracking, to get a response along the lines of "sorry, we cant procure, we've cancelled your order".
Literally selling stuff they dont have.

Well, its STILL happening. Total time wasting, unfair and just downright crap way to run a "business".
I can get stuff from summit USA quicker than a lot of stuff from within aus because of this dumb setup.
How is this even allowed?
Am i the only one that rages about this?
I have had this happen about 20 times now and i think im blocked from every single seller thats done it to me.

Last edited by Jack91; 19-06-2024 at 07:46 PM.
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