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Old 18-12-2024, 01:03 PM   #5
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Default Re: Honda and Nissan In Merger Talks

Remarkable. I’d have thought this was something the Japanese consider a huge loss of face.
But perhaps less so, given they are both Japanese, than some of the prior mergers or partial takeovers albeit they didn't last.

Mitsubishi and Chrysler
Mazda and Ford
Nissan and Renault
GMC and Subaru

Of course there was also the Subaru-Nissan tie up through Fuji Heavy Industries and why Subarus of the era had the same rear axle assembly as the Datsun 180B. Toyota which also owns Daihatsu, bought out some of GMC's shareholding of Subaru in 1999 and still also owns a large share (21%) of Subaru too.
regards Blue

Last edited by aussiblue; 18-12-2024 at 01:18 PM.
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