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Old 08-08-2010, 10:39 AM   #1
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Default Suspended License

What happens if you cop a suspended license on the spot, but it only takes effect after 28 days. Is the license 100% valid in those 28 days with no records or points against it until the conviction is recorded on the 28th day?

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Old 08-08-2010, 10:43 AM   #2
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What State? Google is probably your friend. And who hit you with the ban stick? :-P
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Old 08-08-2010, 10:45 AM   #3
302 XC
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The time my licence was suspended pending a court case (is this ure situation)
I couldnt drive till then and or including any period after should that arise
I had to hand my licence in
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Old 08-08-2010, 10:48 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by 302 XC
The time my licence was suspended pending a court case (is this ure situation)
I couldnt drive till then and or including any period after should that arise
I had to hand my licence in
No court case pending, just a red letter stating disqualification it takes effect 28 days after fine is due. Ringing the state roads dept reports no points recorded 1 week on.
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Old 08-08-2010, 05:22 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by barra265t
No court case pending, just a red letter stating disqualification it takes effect 28 days after fine is due. Ringing the state roads dept reports no points recorded 1 week on.
I'm guessing 40+ over the speed limit ?

P-platers lose it on the spot and their car gets impounded... usually loss of licence happens when you pay the fine , but if you have a SPER account the transport dept will advise you of the start and end date of your suspension after it has been flagged at their head office...

Dont ask me how i know this .. and i am in Queensland , so i'm unsure of where you got done...

But yes you would be safe to drive AND be covered by insurance as per your previous discussion ...
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Old 08-08-2010, 05:41 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by DAZZLER351
I'm guessing 40+ over the speed limit ?

P-platers lose it on the spot and their car gets impounded... usually loss of licence happens when you pay the fine , but if you have a SPER account the transport dept will advise you of the start and end date of your suspension after it has been flagged at their head office...

Dont ask me how i know this .. and i am in Queensland , so i'm unsure of where you got done...

But yes you would be safe to drive AND be covered by insurance as per your previous discussion ...
xr6t/265rwkw + B-double + right-foot + HWY patrol hiding in paddock, middle of nowhere (somewhere near hamilton, vic.. glenelg hwy) Was 37 over. No impound, just a red notice with some scribbles and some hefty fine.

Last edited by barra265t; 08-08-2010 at 05:46 PM.
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Old 08-08-2010, 05:55 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by barra265t
xr6t/265rwkw + B-double + right-foot + HWY patrol hiding in paddock, middle of nowhere (somewhere near hamilton, vic.. glenelg hwy) Was 37 over. No impound, just a red notice with some scribbles and some hefty fine.
*Sigh* not gonna say the speed but $933 and 8 points....

Decent guys but , late at night and 4 lane road ... live and learn .. I WONT EVER BE DOING THAT AGAIN!!!
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Old 08-08-2010, 05:44 PM   #8
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I was pinged for a similar speed a few years back. It was 4 points and $604.

The only difference is, I was in a toyota Carolla ))
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Old 08-08-2010, 05:45 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Bucknaked
I was pinged for a similar speed a few years back. It was 4 points and $604.

The only difference was I was in a toyota Carolla ))
While overtaking?
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Old 08-08-2010, 05:55 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by barra265t
While overtaking?
Yes. I got stuck behind a car which was travelling under the limit (or so I thought), and when they exited the hwy and the road then split into 2 lanes, I thought I won't get caught behind this car again, so I'll over take and go around. The police were there with radar just over the crest. I was too focussed on the car in the other lane, then when I saw the police, it was too late.
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Old 08-08-2010, 06:00 PM   #11
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I had a VERY similar case, which i ended up contesting (going to court) and the police lost (seriously not sure how), the correct paperwork and the case was withdrawn. Means you can keep driving until your case is heard whch could be another couple of months. Hope it all pans out ok.
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Old 08-08-2010, 06:03 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by nfury8
I had a VERY similar case, which i ended up contesting (going to court) and the police lost (seriously not sure how), the correct paperwork and the case was withdrawn. Means you can keep driving until your case is heard whch could be another couple of months. Hope it all pans out ok.
Any more details? e.g. how fast were you clocked while overtaking..

If cops wanna play like this.. this country might as well legislate that civilians have no cars with over 100kw or something crazy like that, or better still outlaw overtaking altogether.

My concern with contesting it at all is I would need to make the trip down to hamilton for the trial. And i'll probably die of fatigue trailing a B-double at 90km/h on the way to that excuse of a ghost town/road/highway (hamilton ?), or get the car sandblasted by all the debris trucks kick up when you're behind them.

Last edited by barra265t; 08-08-2010 at 06:08 PM.
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Old 08-08-2010, 06:38 PM   #13
Full Noise
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Originally Posted by barra265t
Any more details? e.g. how fast were you clocked while overtaking...
It does not matter if you were overtaking. If you are speeding, they will write you up.

Were you doing the speed that they booked you for? If you were, then pay the fine and cop the penalty. If you think that they stretched the truth, fight it, but beware. The magistrates who work in the district don’t take to kindly to people who speed near their town.

Originally Posted by barra265t
My concern with contesting it at all is I would need to make the trip down to hamilton for the trial. And i'll probably die of fatigue trailing a B-double at 90km/h on the way to that excuse of a ghost town/road/highway (hamilton ?), or get the car sandblasted by all the debris trucks kick up when you're behind them.
If he’s only doing 90, overtake him. Just don’t go over the speed limit. It’s really not that hard. Try driving a speed limited B-double trying to overtake another speed limited B-double. If we can do it, you should be able to do it in a car. If you’re worried about getting sandblasted, just wait until you’re on a straight stretch and pull into the right lane when you’re a hundred metres or so behind him.

If you’re worried about fatigue, get someone else to drive with you.

Originally Posted by nfury8
You may be able to argue the car you were overtaking was accelerating as you attempted to safely overtake the said vehicle. Just an idea?
How fast do you think a 63 tonne B-double can accelerate? This wouldn’t be a smart move. Coppers aren’t stupid, besides, it would be very easy to check how fast the B-double was going.
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Old 09-08-2010, 07:52 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Full Noise

If he’s only doing 90, overtake him. Just don’t go over the speed limit. It’s really not that hard. Try driving a speed limited B-double trying to overtake another speed limited B-double. If we can do it, you should be able to do it in a car. If you’re worried about getting sandblasted, just wait until you’re on a straight stretch and pull into the right lane when you’re a hundred metres or so behind him.

There is one of the things that annoy me the most on all roads, two drag racing trucks taking up both lanes. We get it here all the time, two trucks struggling to do the speed limit trying to overtake each other, while they take 5 km to do it and the rest of the traffic is going insane behind them. Makes it worse when one truck gets past another, then he sees the next one and decides to take that one too, in another 5 km. That is on the open road.

Then in the city you have three lanes each way at a set of lights, so you get 3 trucks trying to have a drag race so they line up across 3 lanes.

These situations not only annoy me in my personal car, they are almost impossible to get past in an ambulance. There they are lined up across all lanes, never check their mirrors and can't hear a siren over the sound of a diesel engine and loud stereo. Why can't we have a roof mounted RPG?
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Old 10-08-2010, 07:47 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by geckoGT
Why can't we have a roof mounted RPG?
You'd run out of ammunition all too quickly and then they'd be ineffective.
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Old 10-08-2010, 08:30 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by geckoGT
There is one of the things that annoy me the most on all roads, two drag racing trucks taking up both lanes. We get it here all the time, two trucks struggling to do the speed limit trying to overtake each other, while they take 5 km to do it and the rest of the traffic is going insane behind them. Makes it worse when one truck gets past another, then he sees the next one and decides to take that one too, in another 5 km. That is on the open road.

Then in the city you have three lanes each way at a set of lights, so you get 3 trucks trying to have a drag race so they line up across 3 lanes.

These situations not only annoy me in my personal car, they are almost impossible to get past in an ambulance. There they are lined up across all lanes, never check their mirrors and can't hear a siren over the sound of a diesel engine and loud stereo. Why can't we have a roof mounted RPG?
Spot on Brother
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Old 10-08-2010, 03:21 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Full Noise
If you were, then pay the fine and cop the penalty. .
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Old 10-08-2010, 03:50 PM   #18
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If there still is a topic....
I would say that you have a letter telling you that you will have accumulated maximum demerit points, and as soon as the fine is finalised or paid, you will have 28 days before your license is suspended for either a 3 or 6 month period.
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Old 08-08-2010, 06:14 PM   #19
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They have to have the case inbetween the incident and yur residence.
I was clocked at 126km/h in an 80km/h zone.
Check the paperwork for an indesrepancies eg/ time/date/speed/name/speed capture device.
You can also apply for the most recent calibration tests for the said device check out http://www.fightfines.info/word/Lett...t%20notice.doc
and other info just google speeding infringements help
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Old 08-08-2010, 06:17 PM   #20
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i sadly can do worse... lets just say young and very stupid.... 12 points $1634, now as a 18yr old that hurt
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Old 08-08-2010, 06:19 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by fat4D
i sadly can do worse... lets just say young and very stupid.... 12 points $1634, now as a 18yr old that hurt
You had an xr6t at 18?
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Old 08-08-2010, 06:20 PM   #22
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You may be able to argue the car you were overtaking was accelerating as you attempted to safely overtake the said vehicle. Just an idea?
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Old 08-08-2010, 06:26 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by nfury8
You may be able to argue the car you were overtaking was accelerating as you attempted to safely overtake the said vehicle. Just an idea?
It was a B-double, not a car, hence the excess speed to pass that caterpillar of a thing , which D. Smart's (just looked at the paperwork and thats the &#&T's name) brain failed to compute.
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Old 09-08-2010, 09:09 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by barra265t
It was a B-double, not a car, hence the excess speed to pass that caterpillar of a thing , which D. Smart's (just looked at the paperwork and thats the &#&T's name) brain failed to compute.
I am often amazed at the police fining people while they are overtaking (not in multiple lanes) but on a 2 way road as even if the truck is doing 90 or 80 they can be very long & take awhile to pass if you dont want to go over the 100 limit & all that time you are facing danger from an oncoming vehicle that may all of a sudden come into view as maybe this vehicle coming towards you which was not visible when you started to overtake is speeding for example so is it not better to pass on such roads as quick as you can safely?

I do remember back when I was young ads on tv telling people to overtake as briskly as they can as it is safer to do so.

I guess today it makes more sense to take so long to pass a truck etc that you end up having a head on

Some common sense has to prevail surely.

Yes you could stay behind the truck but as others have said who want to get covered with all the rocks & crap that either falls out of a truck or is thrown up by one or travel at 50 kph up hills when behind a heavy truck.
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Old 09-08-2010, 09:34 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by Seduce XR6
I am often amazed at the police fining people while they are overtaking (not in multiple lanes) but on a 2 way road as even if the truck is doing 90 or 80 they can be very long & take awhile to pass if you dont want to go over the 100 limit & all that time you are facing danger from an oncoming vehicle that may all of a sudden come into view as maybe this vehicle coming towards you which was not visible when you started to overtake is speeding for example so is it not better to pass on such roads as quick as you can safely?

I do remember back when I was young ads on tv telling people to overtake as briskly as they can as it is safer to do so.

I guess today it makes more sense to take so long to pass a truck etc that you end up having a head on

Some common sense has to prevail surely.

Yes you could stay behind the truck but as others have said who want to get covered with all the rocks & crap that either falls out of a truck or is thrown up by one or travel at 50 kph up hills when behind a heavy truck.
Agree completely.
It is an absolute ridiculous situation where vehicles overtaking must spend much longer than they need to on the wrong side of the road just so they don't exceed the speed limit. They say speed kills, but IMO having driven for over 35 years now, being on the wrong side of the road is far deadlier than momentarily going 20-25 kph over the limit and get back into the left lane quicker, to minimize the real dangers.
Where's common sense these days?
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Old 08-08-2010, 06:21 PM   #26
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lol... na was just a 03 manual xr6... but yeah lets jsut say shattered, the day after i graduated on the way to work at 540 in the morning, the amazing thing is that i love ACT police... paid the fine and didnt lose my license or any of the points for some reason... even though they decided to give my details to the local papers/radio/news the P*&%Ks
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Old 08-08-2010, 07:25 PM   #27
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just trying to help, happy days
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Old 08-08-2010, 08:38 PM   #28
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suck it in you were busted take it like a champ....
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Old 08-08-2010, 09:36 PM   #29
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A mate of mine copped instant suspension but with the same 28 days grace as the OP describes, he was free to drive until that date. He was also unable to request a court appearance to apply for a work license until that date had passed and the suspension term had commenced. This was in QLD about 6 months ago.
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Old 08-08-2010, 10:41 PM   #30
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In Victoria the only offences that carry an immediate license suspension are drink driving offences. The power for which comes from Section 51 of the Road Safety Act. http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/v...86125/s51.html

This allows the po-po to suspend your license prior to you attending court. Where a magistrate will either disqualify you from driving or suspend your license(disqual and suspend being two different things).

What you have is a automatic suspension period applicable to the traffic infringement notice you have recieved. The suspension will only come into effect when the TIN is finalised by you, or a court. So either you pay it, and civic compliance will notify Vicroads to suspend your license - who will notify you by mail. Or you dont, and you take it to court.

Either way, you can still drive at the moment.

I wouldn't contest it unless you actually didnt do the offence..... do the crime, do the time.
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