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Old 01-02-2009, 09:08 PM   #1
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Default Diesel Focus Owners!!

Hi Guys and Gals,

I've just a quick question and hopefully someone with lots of knowledge will be able to help me out alittle.

My wife and I are tossing up whether we buy a new car. Now which car for the situation is always the biggest problem, but i'm swaying towards a Turbo Diesel Mondeo or Focus.
Tonight my brother, a mechanic for the last 15 or so years told me to keep away from common rail turbo diesels. He said that a local mate had bought a new Toyota 4WD Diesel the other yr, had less than 8000k on the clock, and it just stopped going. My Bro Advised him to tow it to the Toyota dealer, where they stripped the fuel system to find Fuel pumps and injecters absolutely stuffed. Afer further analysis, Toyota had found ethanol in his tank(which they told him was from the diesel that he had filled his tank) so they wavered his warranty. All up it cost him close to $15000 to get his brand new 4WD on the road.

I know he pulls himself quite often, and i know that biofuels are the way of the future, but doe's anyone know what Fords comment regarding Biofuels are? and what would Ford do in the same situation?

I'm a potential buyer of this wonderful technology but if i'm going to be screwed by the company or the fuel companys, i'll just keep my $$ to myself.


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Old 01-02-2009, 09:23 PM   #2
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Im not a diesel focus owner, but have been studying diesels for a little while... (my next family vehicle will be diesel)

But answer this question, your mate has heard of one toyota diesel doing bang, and bags them for that reason? You think about it, if someone has just purchased a brand new 4wd, which is diesel, it may well have been their first diesel car, imagine if the owners partner/child/friend filled the car up with E10 fuel, not realising the car was a diesel, or the fuel was the wrong fuel, that would surely create more drama's, and therefore void the warranty?

If you go to a european forum (say www.ffoc.co.uk) and read up on the diesels there.... in England as an example, MOST company vehicles sold over there are diesel, as they last longer, have better tax advantage, and are cheaper to run. For everyone one person that kicks and screams about the problems they have, there are a LOT more silent people that have perfectly working vehicles, but unfortunately some people dont praise product, they seem to bag it.

Anyway, if you did purchase a Diesel Focus/Mondeo, you would be getting a good piece of kit, that will delivery sticker or better economy, and last for a very long time, if that was the way you intended to go.

Good Luck!
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Old 01-02-2009, 10:50 PM   #3
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Sounds like he put the wrong fuel in his car and tried to get a warranty job on it, people do that, but for it to go all the way through to the injectors, he would have had to just have topped up on diesel and burn it all through instead of dumping the fuel tank....
I drive my American Owned, German Inspired, South African Built, Australian Bought, European Styled, English Powered car. I might have missed something somewhere... 08' LT Ford Focus CL

Check out 819FLY!!
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Old 02-02-2009, 07:41 AM   #4
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Does anyone know what Fords commitment to Biofuels are and warranty if something goes wrong?
With all fuel companies (at least here in NSW) required to mix a certain amount of Bio fuel, what are the car companies saying in regards to possible engine problems?

I'm not sure, maybe he had tried to do the dirty on the car company
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